Our school day is 8:45am - 3:15pm (3:20pm for Years 5 and 6). School clubs finish at 4:20pm. Wrap around care is available from 7:45am-4:30pm Monday to Thursday and 7:45am - 3:20pm Friday. Year 3 and 4 swimming lessons in Summer 1 2024.


The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of section 48 and inspects schools in the Christian ethos, vision and values of a school. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England. 
Our last SIAMS inspection was in November 2019 and we were rated good in the impact of collective worship and The effectiveness of religious education (RE).
A link to our report is found below: